A Better Manifesto Critique

I did a pretty lame job of commenting on the Sunday Post’s even more lame “manifesto” in which a large cast of school superintendents offered their proposals for fixing American education.

Or rather in which they recycle the same old laundry list promoted Education Nation as well as the previous and current administrations.

However, Kevin Welner, a professor at the University of Colorado Bouder, holds nothing back in his criticism, starting with this very appropriate recommendation “In fact, we should start by removing the irresponsible signers of this manifesto from any position of power over “the future of our children.”

He then goes on to remind everyone of just how invalid their proposals really are.

As a researcher and a parent, I yearn for an end to the over-the-top propaganda, the slick think tank reports, the educational leaders more interested in blaming than in solving, the wasteful sinking of taxpayer money (and educators’ time) into reforms that have been shown not to work, and the stirring films that suggest that the heartbreaking denial of educational opportunities to innocent children can be miraculously solved by the latest fad.

Move money from neighborhood schools to charter schools!

Make children take more tests!

Move money from classrooms to online learning!

Blame teachers and their unions — make them easier to fire!

Tie teacher jobs and salaries to student test scores!

None — literally NONE — of these gimmicks is evidence-based.

Read the whole thing.

So, why isn’t Welner’s rebuttal in the high circulation print version of the paper, and on the Post’s main site, instead of being relegated to the much less read online-only blogs section?

Probably because none of this fits with the Post’s view of American education policy.

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